
portrait of man, white helmet, yellow jacket, process plant in background
2024 - a year of optimism and concern
Celebrating 75 years of innovation
three persons, posing, wearing yellow jackets, white helmets, goggles and hearing protection, standing in a workshop
Bilfinger Refractory: Leading green aluminium
portrait of man, glasses, standing in font of screen showing chaos at office space.
Strengthen your IT security – avoid social engineering
man posing, smiling, posing, wearing blue suit, standing in front of a roll-up with blue text and pictures.
Driving digitalisation in Norwegian industry
Strong interest in technology and industrial subjects among apprentices
four persons walking towards the camera, posing, office building in the background
15 MNOK for new industrial initiatives
industrial park, bird's perspective
LanzaTech announces commercial carbon recycling project at Herøya
man, beard, white helmet, steering orange robot in production facility
Nel receives €135 million from the EU
three men on stage, all with one hand each on a big red buzzer, opening sceremony
Vianode marked the opening of Via One
six people standing in a row, holding a red ribbon, three people holding scissors and about to cut the ribbon, opening ceremony of industrial plant
Major milestone for Thor Medical and cancer treatment
Three women, white lab coates, goggles, posing, leaning on to a work table in a laboratory
New strong team at Herøya ready for new assignments
four persons, posing, eating cake, office environment
Hydro is expanding at Herøya
man and woman, portrait, posing, PPE, parking space in background
Weekly drills in September and October
Old Herøya buildings make way for the future