Adapti AS

Brilliant solutions for a sustainable future
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Adapti AS is proud to contribute to a greener and more efficient future in Herøya Industrial Park. Adapti's specialised expertise in intelligent lighting makes them a leading player in the industry, with solutions that enhance safety, reduce maintenance costs, and minimise environmental impact.

They provide systems that optimise light regulation, which increases the lifespan of fixtures and significantly reduces energy consumption. This creates a safe and well-lit workplace while also helping to reduce CO₂ emissions.

In addition to their expertise in intelligent lighting, they have a broad portfolio of EX-approved products, specially designed for explosive environments. Their knowledge of EX safety standards enables them to offer reliable, secure, and customised solutions for demanding industrial settings.

Adapti has an office in Building 25, and regional manager Fredrik Bocerup Karlsen leads a dedicated team. Through close proximity to customers, they can better tailor solutions and actively contribute to a safer, more efficient, and sustainable future for Herøya Industrial Park.


Office manager
Fredrik Bocerup Karlsen
Mobil: +47 465 42 044

Read more Adapti AS